If you are someone who works in the caring professions, or are supporting people facing life challenges in another capacity, I am happy to offer a space in which to explore your practice and the many dilemmas that come with this kind of work.

It may be that you are:

  • feeling unsure about how to proceed with clinical decision-making around certain topics or more generally

  • experiencing recurring difficulties with particular clinical situations

  • concerned about feelings of burn-out or triggering within your work or workplace

  • seeking advice on practical, ethical or case management matters.

The kind of consultation I offer is closer to reciprocal mentoring than it is to clinical supervision as I feel that I learn so much from every conversation. However, as I do have experience in various forms of therapy and care settings, it is likely to be a different type of dialogue from informal peer supervision or a more managerial-type dynamic. It is there for you to be the best practitioner than you can be – for your clients, for your colleagues and for yourself.


With regard to fees, I tend to charge people their own hourly rate for seeing clients, e.g. if you charge people £50 for an hour-long session, then that will be the cost of an hour of supervision with me. If you work with a grassroots organisation, I am happy to offer my time for free.


Collective action and supporting agencies who are working towards meaningful change within their neighbourhoods and networks is really important to me.

I am open to providing free consultation to community groups who are:

  • seeking a mental health perspective on their work

  • looking for someone to act as a psychological resource as part of a specific project or programme

  • considering ways to promote compassionate accountability within their organisation or institution

  • needing support with developing materials that cover issues related to psychology or therapy.

I have been involved with the National Association for Children of Alcoholics (NACOA) for many years and am part of their Consultative Council. In addition, I currently mentor aspiring Clinical Psychologists as part of the Bath University DClinPsy B.A.ME mentor scheme, and co-facilitate an Intersectional Anti-Racism special interest group within my NHS trust psychology service.  

I am also keen to support research, in particular that which is concerned with reducing health inequalities and working with under-served or marginalised populations. My aim is to be a useful resource to organisations and to my profession so that we can intentionally work towards social justice and liberation together.